Love have many different natures. Impersonal love, biological, psychological, evolutionary and interpersonal love.Today I am writing about such a Yantram, which will use for interpersonal love. Interpersonal love refers to love between two person.
It is a much more potent affection, than a simple liking for another. This interpersonal relationship makes couples become madly and abnormal attraction to each other. When one can not get another, he or she become depressed, unmindful and very much unusual. In this condition, the Yanram will work with good positive result. It will also use for husband and wife cases.
This Yantram will very simple to make and give a positive result quickly. This attraction Yantram is tested by thousands of my clients in 26 years approximately. They get his or her desire lover to each other in between 3 months. Attraction Yantram will make in first Sunday morning of full moon fortnight, between 6am to 8am.
The person, who is facing the problem, take a 3″/4″ Bhooj Patra. writing with Ashtagandha ink and a pointed stick of Anar tree. Worship with some scented flowers, some sweets, some burning incense sticks. Put it in a transparent plastic cover and will bury it in a ground, near about his or her residence. If it is not possible, then bury in the ground of own residence.