Three Magical Tantra Tips to get rid from Marriage obstacles

In this Article, I am sharing Three Magical Tantra Tips, called Tantra Totke, which are very fruitful to get rid from every marriage obstacles. Many man or woman do not get their exact birth details. For the reason they are helpless and can not make their Janam Kundli or Horoscope and can not find the exact remedies for their marriage problems. In this situation, these Tantra Tips or Tantra Totke will very helpful for overcome all of those problems soon.

As we know,  many works of Tantra are very secretly done by   Tantriks of India, because secrecy is one of the main terms to get best results. When a practitioner will perform these remedies, he or she should be hopeful and positive in his mind . In early morning or in any specific night will very appropriate for perform.

Any of my Blog reader will practice the Tantra Tips if he or she want. Without any help of an Astrologer or Tantra professional, the practitioner will get fruitful result from the remedy tips. In this article, I am sharing and describing  the Three very easy and simple Tantra Tips for curing obstacle of marriage of a native.

1. If anybody face obstacles in his or her marriage and unable to find a suitable spouse, in that condition, the practitioner will offer a crest to Lord Vishnu to a Laxmi Narayan temple on any Thursday with 21 Besan Ladoos. All obstacles will be removed and the native gets marry soon. Besan is one type of flour from gram, called gram flour. Besan Ladoo recipe will get from internet searching.

2. The practitioner, will take an old opened lock and rotate this lock anti clockwise direction, around the native whose marriage is getting delayed. After performing the work, the practitioner will keep the opened lock at the place where four roads crossing point in the mid night quietly, without talking to anyone and do not see backward and come back. This powerful remedy will be done on Thursday of full moon fortnight, called Sukla Paksha.

3. There are so many marriage proposals, but any proposal not getting materialized, in this crucial situation, the practitioner will take seven (7) dry Coconuts and rotate them 7 times around the head of the affected native, and immerse them into flowing water.

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