Strong Hanuman Mantra for Accident

Mahavira Hanumanji has many more names, one of which is ‘Bajrangbali’, this is the name by which his devotees call him. However, he is famous for both Hanumanji and Bajrangbali. In this article, I am going to discuss about an accidental mantra of Mahavira Bajrangbali which is very powerful and intensely fruitful. Every accident brings a curse for our happy life. This impeccable mantra for getting rid of it is unique. There is no comparison to this mantra.

This mantra is a very ancient and well-studied mantra, which is revered and explained by many great Tantricks. Needless to say, if this mantra is uttered only once when leaving the house, the person will safely return to his home without an accident.

Source of superpower Sri Sri Hanumanji loves his devotees very much. He, on the other hand, is also the god of vehicles. Another name for him is ‘Sankatmochan’ because he solves all the problems. When he leaves the house with his name, his fans do not have to read about any crisis on the way. In this mantra, however, his name ‘Bajrangbali’ is abbreviated as ‘Bajrang’.

He who utters this mantra only once, will be free from all kinds of calamities on the way, such as Sri Sri Hanumanji’s Leela. This time, I am writing about how to do the mantra, when leaving the house, first take out the right foot on the other side of the square, say, “Bajrang le yayega, bajrang le ayega”. It does not have to be an accident, it can be said for sure.

This mantra should be uttered every time you leave the house. It is doubtful whether there is such a simple and straightforward method of lifelong peace of mind in Tantra and Mantra.

Mantra : ” Bajrang Le Jayega, Bajrang Le Ayega “

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