Monetary gain or Gain in Prosperity – some tips

Without money life is meaningless, life getting stuck with full of upsets & problems. These are some tips for those persons who are unsuccessful to save money for their future :-

  1. Take a red ribbon, tie it on the entrance of your house / flat. Ribbon which are used for gift packing , take that kind of ribbon for tying  on the entrance of your house / flat ( take the centre position for placing it ). Keep changing it on every two months ( or on every 75 days ).
  2. Take saffron ( Jafran 1gram plastic box ) from Grocery shop on Thursday . Also arrange white sandal paste , mix it with saffron and take a Tilak of it on forehead in a such a way so that Tilak couldn’t be removed easily or rubbed for longer period .
  3. Plant one pomegranate tree/plant ( Dalim plant ) – you may plant it in indoor ( in a pot ) or outdoor & take care of it.
  4. Every Sunday have your floor washed with cow dung mixed water following after sweeping. Make sure cleaning should be done in each & every portion of floor .

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