How to get rid from Diabetes ?

Three main types of Diabetes Mellitus( Diabetes) : Type One is Pancreas failure and can not produce actual measure of Insulin, called Insulin dependent Diabetes Mellitus or Juvenile Diabetes. The cause is unknown in the Medical Science. Type Two is beginning with Insulin resistant, body cells fail to respond Insulin properly. Lack of Insulin may also develop, called Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes (NIDDM) or Adult- Onset Diabetes.

The primary cause is excessive body weight, or not enough exercise. The Third main type is Gestational Diabetes. It occurs, when a pregnant woman suffers from High Blood Sugar Levels, without any previous history.

In this article, I am sharing about an unique Yantram, which will get rid from a metabolic disease, called Diabetes Mellitus(DM), commonly referred ‘Diabetes’. When High Blood Sugar levels over a prolonged period. Frequent Urination, increased thirst, increased hunger, also it can cause many complications, like Heart disease, Stroke, Kidney failure, Foot Ulcers, Eye troubles. Acute complications makes Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Nonketotic Hyperosmolar Coma and after all Death. The cause of Diabetes is Pancreas not producing enough Insulin or Insulin producing became out of order.

Prevention and Medical Treatment, Proper Diets, Regular Physical Exercise, Normal Body weight, Avoiding use of Tobacco, Control of Blood Pressure, Proper foot care are important for the Diabetic Patients. In previous an article I wrote about a remedy of High Blood Pressure. In this article I am writing about an unique Yantram for removal of Diabetes Mellitus. This Yantram will make by an user on a Shubh Din and Shubh Muhurat. This Yantram will make by Ashtagandha Ink with a pointed wooden stick of Peepal tree.

The user will take a bath in the Evening and ware clean dresses, sit on a clean mattress faced towards North or East direction, draw the Yantram with full faith and concentration. The user will take a pics of Bhooj Parta and draw the Yantram on it. After making the Yantram the user will clean this Yantram with some Milk, some sweet Curd, some Honey, some Ghee, some Sugar, some Urine and Cow Dung of a cow called Pancha Gobbya and Panchamrit and then energize the Yantram with a Panchopachara Puja, or worship and energize the Yantram with some burning incense sticks, some sweets, some Basmati rice, some scented flowers, and some money. He will think, Air, Earth, Water, Sky, and Wind is energize the Yantram with their own powers and activate the Yantram in a proper manner.

After energize the Yantram, the user will put it in a silver Talisman, and fill up the Talisman with wax. Then  He will wear it in his neck, tied with a red yarn. Medicinal treatment will continue as directed by a Doctor. Yantram will wear as a side remedy only. The success and failure of Yantram is not my subject. I am not responsible for failure, and do not want to advocacy for any collections.

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