Ganesha Bhujangam Stotram

Lord Ganesha’s Holy blessings are capable of bestowing both Eternal Happiness or worldly pleasures and Spiritual Upgrade or spiritual attainments, on an individual human. Sadhana of Lord Ganesha aims at neutralizing all negative energies, sins and evils of one’s past
lives so as to make one eligible for enjoying wealth, happiness, prosperity, all wishes, pleasures in life to the fullest, thus paving the way for total fulfillment’s and ultimately spiritual elevation.

Benefits surely accrue through chanting Ganesha Bhujangam Stotram. Ganesha Bhujangam Stotram wrote by Adiguru Sree Sree Sankaracharya Swami. This Stotram is a very Powerful and Strong remedy, which can totally motivate a human life, from total negative to total positive situations. If a person, recite this Stotram, in the morning, he or she will get a powerful and unique result in his or her life, obviously. Sudden gains through speculations, inheritance etc. can be had. Other symbols of prosperity such as property, vehicles, fame, good job, sweetable position etc. can be easily acquired. Above all one could have the divine glimpse of the Lord Ganesha.

Debts and poverty can be forever forbidden from one’s life. There can’t be any best solution than chanting this stotram for the natives, who are running under Ketu or Shani dasha or antardasha. There can’t be any best remedy than chanting these stotram for the natives who have any type of Kaal Sharpa Yog. Ketu, Rahu and Shani often makes the person a very fickle minded when afflicted in the natives horoscope. Quick and speedy Business takeoff can be assured. The best starting day for worshipping would be Ganesh Chaturthi or any Wednesday of a Full Moon Fortnight or you can perform on a daily basis too. Early morning have a bath and simply chant the below any of these stotram.

Ganesha Bhujangam Stotram
Ranat Kshudra Ghantaa Ninaadaa Bhi Raamam
Chalet Tanda Vod Danda Vat Padma Taalam
Lasat Tundi Laango Pari Vyaala Haaram
Ganaa Dheesha Meeshaana Soonum Tameede.
Dhvani Dhvamsa Veenaa Layollaasi Vaktram
Sphurat Chun Da Dandolla Sat Beeja Pooram
Galad Darpa Sou Gandhya Lolaali Maalam
Ganaa Dheesha Meeshaana Soonum Tameede.
Prakaashaj Japaa Rakta Ranta Prasoona
Pravaala Prabhaa Taaru Na Jyoti Rekam
Pralam Bodaram Vakratun Daika Dantam
Ganaa Dheesha Meeshaana Soonum Tameede.
Vichitra Sphurat Ratna Maalaa Kireetam
Kiree Tolla Sat Chandra Rekhaa Vibhoosham
Vibhoo Shaika Bhoosham Bhava Dhvamsa Hetum
Ganaa Dheesha Meeshaana Soonum Tameede.
Udan Chad Bhujaa Vallaree Drushya Mooloh
Chalad Bhroola Taa Vi Bhrama Bhraaja Daksham
Marut Sundaree Chaamaraih Sevya Maanam
Ganaa Dheesha Meeshaana Soonum Tameede.
Sphuran Nish Thuraa Lola Pingaakshi Taaram
Krupaa Komalo Daara Leelaa Va Taaram
Kalaa Bindugam Geeyate Yogi Varyaihi
Ganaa Dheesha Meeshaana Soonum Tameede.
Yamae Kaa Ksharam Nirmalam Nirvi Kalpam
Gunaa Teeta Maa Nanda Maa Kaara Shoonyam
Param Paara Mom Kaara Maan Maaya Garbham
Vathanthi Prakalpam Puraanam Tameede.
Chidaa Nanda Saan Draaya Shaan Taaya Tubhyam
Namo Vishva Kartre Cha Hartre Cha Tubhyam
Namo Ananta Leelaaya Kaivalya Bhaase
Namo Vishva Beeja Prasee Desha Soono.
Imam Samsta Vam Praata Rutthaaya Bhaktyaa
Pathed Yastu Martyo Labhet Sarva Kaamaan
Ganesha Prasaa Daena Siddh Yanti Vaacho
Ganeshae Vibhou Durlabham Kim Prasanne.
 ॥ श्रीगणेशभुजङ्गम् ॥
चलत्ताण्डवोद्दण्डवत्पद्मतालम् ।
गणाधीशमीशानसूनुं तमीडे ॥ १॥
स्फुरच्छुण्डदण्डोल्लसद्बीजपूरम् ।
गणाधीशमीशानसूनुं तमीडे ॥ २॥
प्रवालप्रभातारुणज्योतिरेकम् ।
प्रलम्बोदरं वक्रतुण्डैकदन्तं
गणाधीशमीशानसूनुं तमीडे ॥ ३॥
किरीटोल्लसच्चन्द्ररेखाविभूषम् ।
विभूषैकभूशं भवध्वंसहेतुं
गणाधीशमीशानसूनुं तमीडे ॥ ४॥
च्चलद्भ्रूलताविभ्रमभ्राजदक्षम् ।
मरुत्सुन्दरीचामरैः सेव्यमानं
गणाधीशमीशानसूनुं तमीडे ॥ ५॥
कृपाकोमलोदारलीलावतारम् ।
कलाबिन्दुगं गीयते योगिवर्यै-
र्गणाधीशमीशानसूनुं तमीडे ॥ ६॥
यमेकाक्षरं निर्मलं निर्विकल्पं
गुणातीतमानन्दमाकारशून्यम् ।
परं परमोङ्कारमान्मायगर्भं ।
वदन्ति प्रगल्भं पुराणं तमीडे ॥ ७॥
चिदानन्दसान्द्राय शान्ताय तुभ्यं
नमो विश्वकर्त्रे च हर्त्रे च तुभ्यम् ।
नमोऽनन्तलीलाय कैवल्यभासे
नमो विश्वबीज प्रसीदेशसूनो ॥ ८॥
इमं संस्तवं प्रातरुत्थाय भक्त्या
पठेद्यस्तु मर्त्यो लभेत्सर्वकामान् ।
गणेशप्रसादेन सिध्यन्ति वाचो
गणेशे विभौ दुर्लभं किं प्रसन्ने ॥ ९॥
इति श्रीमच्छङ्कराचार्यकृतं गणेशभुजङ्गप्रयातस्तोत्रं
सम्पूर्णम् ॥
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