Due to spending of too much money, many family suffer from a crisis of financial balance. Many other reason can damage financial ability or wealthy strongness. Money is a bigger factor of day to day life. Many reasons, which are directly involved in this manner; such as earthquake, flood, failure of shear market, theft or burglary, fire, tsunami, fall of mountain etc.
I am giving a strong solution for overcome this financial crisis which also can destroy all wealthy problems in few days. Start from Wednesday of Sukla-pasksha ( bright lunar fortnight of waxing moon) every day at night between 9 P.M to 10 P.M this mantra will chant 108 times in front of the image of Goddess Laxmi, the Goddess of money and wealth.
Five rituals will essential for worship of Goddess Laxmi. 1. some paste of red sandalwood 2. some red flower 3. two incense sticks 4. a lighted lamp 5. white rice for worship. Sit on a clean mattress at first and do worship of Goddess Laxmi. Then start to chant this mantra 108 times with deep concentration and full of trust and love.
Chanting of this mantra can gathering such as a powerful atmosphere which will destroy all of financial crisis and wealth related problems.
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